Rabbi Yossi Paltiel


Class One: This class explores the two explanations (levels) of Hgadals (greatening) Hashem's name Adna-i. 1) From Adna-i's source in Chochma. This is explained using the discussion of letters and words enhancing one's understanidng due to thier higher source (above the idea) in Chochma. 2) From above the source; from Ratzon or Sovev. From here the idea isn't only enhnaced but it is altered.

Class Two: This class includes the beginning and the end of the Ma'amar. It joins together three different interpretations of this Possuk. The 13 attributes of mercy are the high source that brings down the expansion (all the way) to Adna-i, Malcus. This affects סליחה ומחילה from Adan-i as enhanced by it's source. The two levels of הגדלת כח אדנ-י speak to two levels of סליחה וכפרה (atonement for sin). Moshe was told it is HIS to do through כביכול empowering Hashem. The Rebbe explains this as the Avoda of Mesiras Nefesh and the affect of saying אמן יהא שמי' רבה with all one's strength.


Rabbi Dov Wagner